The Cost
of Unfair AI
It is an opportune time to ask, what kind of biometric algorithm are you using? What is its provenance, and how can you even judge whether it was created ethically? Biometrics and AI have proven to provide immense value. It should not be dragged down by unexpected costs of unfair AI.
Seeing past the marketing fluff: How to identify trustworthy biometric providers
Today, the main risk of using biometrics is not inaccuracy, but ensuring the protection of sensitive personal data. Any potential intrusion of privacy, real or perceived, risks the reputation of the companies using the technology, and has the potential to seriously damage customer trust.
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Head of UX Association Michal Blažej: “Banks often make the app more complicated to use, just to be different from a competitor.”
Banking apps are not supposed to be distinctive and fun, but secure and customer-centric. The market forces banks to differentiate themselves but not many do rigorous customer research that would help them better understand what their customers truly want.

Data ethicist Juraj Podroužek: “I think it’s correct to have some red lines that set out areas where AI should not venture.”
Technologies are not value-neutral; they are imbued with the values of their creators. How can the ethical values that society deem important be reflected in technologies?

How to grow a business through digital customer onboarding you can trust
Learn how implementing automated identification and onboarding put Home Credit in the leading position of a very specific market.