The Biometric UXtra: a new rubric about UX design

How to apply colour psychology in the redesign of biometric applications

Biometric applications should not only be technologically advanced, but also as easy to understand and navigate as possible. Delve into how Innovatrics applied colour psychology principles in the ABIS redesign, creating a consistent visual language and simplifying tasks for thousands of users.

Designing a technology that detects falls in nursing homes and the homes of the elderly

Over 25% of individuals aged 65+ fall each year, but fewer than half report it to their doctor, increasing the risk of recurring falls. These falls often result in injuries, hospitalisations, and emotional distress. Attentify, part of Biometric Ventures, tackles this issue by aiding caregivers in fall detection at home or in professional settings.

How Small Changes Help Onboard More Customers

Improving the user experience (UX) in the onboarding process is not about making things look good. It’s about getting more customers to happily complete the process.

Head of UX Association Michal Blažej: “Banks often make the app more complicated to use, just to be different from a competitor.”

Banking apps are not supposed to be distinctive and fun, but secure and customer-centric. The market forces banks to differentiate themselves but not many do rigorous customer research that would help them better understand what their customers truly want.