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How to apply colour psychology in the redesign of biometric applications
Biometric applications should not only be technologically advanced, but also as easy to understand and navigate as possible. Delve into how Innovatrics applied colour psychology principles in the ABIS redesign, creating a consistent visual language and simplifying tasks for thousands of users.

Designing a technology that detects falls in nursing homes and the homes of the elderly
Over 25% of individuals aged 65+ fall each year, but fewer than half report it to their doctor, increasing the risk of recurring falls. These falls often result in injuries, hospitalisations, and emotional distress. Attentify, part of Biometric Ventures, tackles this issue by aiding caregivers in fall detection at home or in professional settings.

Is facial recognition helping or hurting law enforcement?
While the majority of people in the United States approve of the police using facial recognition technology, experts warn that some may be relying on it too heavily, and that the level of human involvement still required cannot be underestimated.

Former NYPD inspector Joseph Courtesis:
“We create less bias when we use facial recognition algorithms in our work.”
Concerns about biometric recognition algorithms often come down to the issue of tackling racial or gender bias.

“Proving guilt requires more than a fingerprint match,” says the director of the Institute of Forensic Science
Biometric fingerprint identification has helped forensic experts in thousands of investigations. Yet, the fingerprint itself is just one piece of evidence evaluated by the court.

From measuring head length to advanced facial biometrics: The history of criminal identification
How did the police catch villains back in the old days, before the dawn of computers, fancy tech gadgets and automated biometric identification systems?

Entering the era of DNA IDs: Will DNA become an integral part of our personal identity documents?
Since 1986, DNA has revolutionised criminal investigations, arresting killers and clearing the innocent. However, even though DNA fingerprints has helped to identify criminals, they do not contain any real personal information, such as race or height. For this reason, experts consider using them as DNA IDs in government databases for registration, verification, and access control.

AI researcher Martin Tamajka: “If we are to trust AI in courtrooms, it needs to justify its decisions.”
AI is transforming jobs across a wide range of industries. However, there are still concerns about using it extensively when people's lives or futures are at risk, such as in medicine or law. In these cases, it's not enough for AI to just produce an answer – it also needs to be able to explain how it came up with that answer.

From paper to digital: Modernising criminal records with biometrics
Guinea is now dedicated to modernising and digitising its police records. This involves the integration of biometrics into the criminal identification process.

Como um banco melhorou seu Onboarding Digital com dois recursos simples
O banco 365 é um banco da nova era que deseja revolucionar a maneira como as pessoas na Eslováquia lidam com suas finanças. Eles querem que seus clientes tenham sempre todos os serviços bancários disponíveis na ponta dos dedos, não importa onde estejam.