Driver’s License Issuance System Leverages Fingerprint and Face Biometrics

Brazil (Rondonia) | Government


One of the 26 states of Brazil, Rondônia has a thriving population of almost 2 million.  The data contained on issued driver’s licenses in the state needed to be more secure, accurate and unified.


There was a call to enhance the current driving license issuance system in Rondônia by implementing new technology. The solution was to be tested in the proof of concept, where it was customized based on the specific project needs, including operators’ training and implementation.

Our Solution

Innovatrics AFIS enhanced the existing identity management solution in processing the current database of rolled fingerprints. The new system would be able to enroll up to 2 million new registrations within the coming three years. Our face detection software, iFace, was used to fulfill ICAO standards of the face capture.


The overall project was deployed by our business partner, Thomas Greg & Sons Brasil, responsible for the process of printing the driver’s license for DETRAN (Departamento de Trânsito), Traffic Department. Through our combined efforts, the Brazilian state of Rondônia  can ensure secure, uniform and comprehensive driver’s information in the database.

new enrollees
deduplications per minute

“Thomas Greg and Sons is simply impressed by the willingness of Innovatrics to tailor their solutions to our specific needs. The unwavering support of the Innovatrics team in every step of the way was instrumental in the successful implementation of the project. As such, we would highly recommend Innovatrics to any company in the market in need of AFIS and other biometric solutions. ”

Marcos Maresch, IT Director at Thomas Greg & Sons
Fingerprint and face security check

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