Innovatrics technology can take care of migrating and cleaning of existing data to prevent ID fraud and rigged voting.
PageComplete remote identity verification and management tailored for banks and telecommunications companies for online client acquisition.
PageInnovatricsβ Video Injection Detection ensures secure remote identity verification by preventing all types of video injection attacks.
PageIndependent provider of trusted biometric solutions for governments and enterprises. ABIS, Digital Onboarding Toolkit, Smartface.
PageInnovatrics offers an innovative, stress-free border control biometric identification management system to safeguard national borders.
pageInnovatricsβ proprietary fingerprint recognition algorithm is one of the fastest and most accurate in the world.
PageInnovatrics Digital Onboarding Toolkit uses AI OCR for identity document verification service and document authenticity checks.
PageBuild trust, drive revenue and prevent fraud with an industry-leading, comprehensive identity verification technology.
resourceBiometric self-identification solution for the digitalization of visa and driver's license issuance or ID renewal. Governments and local authorities can now establish seamless and entirely digital citizen journeys with reliable biometric identification. Thanks to facial verification and liveness detection, services…
NewsWith the updated version of document processing components, users can capture a high quality image of their ID with any degree of rotation.