Remote identity verification Video Injection Detection

Defeat Deepfakes and Prevent Synthetic Identity Fraud

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As digital advancements revolutionize our lives, the threat of deepfakes and synthetic identity fraud grows more sophisticated. Innovatrics’ Video Injection Detection ensures every video feed is genuine, protecting organizations and their customers.

With our technology, you can stop fraud before it starts and safeguard remote onboarding processes. 

What Are Video Injection Attacks?

A video injection attack fakes video data to trick identity verification systems. By using publicly available media and advanced face morphing techniques, attackers can create convincing synthetic identities to bypass security. This makes committing identity fraud alarmingly simple, putting low- and high-value transactions, transaction authentication, and account takeovers at risk.

Fraudsters inject fake videos into the remote identity verification process using the following methods:

  • Android emulation and virtual camera software
  • Physically replacing phone cameras with HDMI input (Hardware injection) 
  • Container apps with camera replacement functionality
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks
video injection detection can fight deepfakes

Why Are Video Injection Attacks Dangerous? 

Video injection attacks are a growing threat to biometric identity verification systems. With the rise of deepfakes, fraudsters can create convincing synthetic identities, scale them up easily, and make these attacks nearly undetectable. 

The main danger of video injection attacks is that organizations are often vulnerable to them and don’t realize they’ve been compromised. Fraudsters can create synthetic identities by combining real information with fake data, such as using a real ID card number with a fictitious name and date of birth.

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Video injection detection

The Benefits of Video Injection Detection

Through Video Injection Detection, we make sure the right person is using their device, providing secure and seamless identity verification. Below are some benefits: 

  1. Mitigate synthetic identity fraud and prevent deepfakes.
  2. Protect your business from financial losses.
  3. No need for expensive hardware upgrades.
  4. Adds no extra burden or complexity for users.
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video injection attack prevention

Safeguard Your Onboarding from Deepfakes and Synthetic Identity Fraud

Video injection attacks in remote identity verification can lead to significant financial losses and reputational damage. These attacks are now harder to detect with AI-generated documents and photos. More often than not, traditional IDV systems fail to spot deepfakes since their liveness detection algorithm has not been properly trained to detect them. 

Innovatrics’ Video Injection Detection offers a robust solution by authenticating camera feeds directly. This approach protects against both video injection and man-in-the-middle attacks, keeping your identity verification process safe from deepfakes and fake identities.   

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Video Injection Detection

How Does Innovatrics Video Injection Detection Work?

Innovatrics’ Video Injection Detection uses advanced algorithms to ensure secure remote identity verification. The system starts on the client side, where our capture component collects camera information and encrypts it to prevent tampering. This data includes both video frames and camera details. 

Once encrypted, the data is sent to our backend component, Digital Identity Service, where it is decrypted and analyzed. The process checks if the video is coming from a genuine camera or a fraudulent source. By confirming the authenticity of the camera, our system prevents all types of video injection attacks.

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